Rosie's Rules of Responsible Dating.- On Being Casual
So this is for those of us who want to date casually, and don't want to rip people apart in the process, including ourselves. These are condensed and will be added to when appropriate. Feel free to add comments with other suggestions, I'll probably question the hell out of it, but don't take that personally.
1. The three time rule-If there is any chance for attachment three time is the maximum amount of times you can sleep with someone before the attachment sets in. Almost all sexual interactions have the propensity for attachment.
note-This is first because it gets quoted so often and was independently varified.
2. The space rule- If you have hot sex with someone and want to continue doing it, there are ways to navigate around attachment using space. Three time rule can be extended to once every season. Once a year. These strategies work best if you follow the three time rule the first time (or even stop at two) and then space it out.
3. Communication is always key- If you know you are keeping things casual and/or very slow and the other person wants solid relationship or let's get married right now, you both need to know that. If you don't have all that kind of stuff verbally on the table all assumptions are possible.
4. Responsibility to the hearts of others-
Part A)If you choose to tangle with someone who makes it clear that they will become attached, you won't, and you have the where with all to put a stop to it; you are being an asshole if you don't. Preferably before sex happens. Some people are softer than others and sexual interactions are a volatile playground where people'e emotional appendages can get drug out and stomped on. Do not do this! It will fuck up your game.
Part B) Avoid making energetically weighted statements. Examples: "I love you" "I totally want to have kids" These types of statements create attachments, they are in fact what I call "hooking statements." That is, they put hooks into people. Most of the time these sort of statements require attention to balance them out or require others to already have programmed reactions to eject the hooks. Most people do not have this and they shouldn't have to.
If you don't want attachments you need to watch your mouth and not create them.
5. Responsibility to Your Own heart-
Part A)Attachment often happens when we are not paying attention, are not expecting it, and/or do not want it. Following these rules, particularly the three time rule and making variations on them in order to care for ourselves is important.
Part B) Use caution when avoiding attachment by dating people you would not date if you were looking for a longer term situation. There are plenty of traps and manipulations out there; no matter how savvy you are there is a trap for you that some crazy mofo has devised.
Part C)Be very aware of who you are tangling with, what sort of thought you are supporting by engaging with them, and whether you are risking your safety; physically, mentally or emotionally, by engaging with them. Even in casual relationships abuse can occur, and if someone is perpetuating that against you in a casual relationship I can pretty much guarantee that they are using casual relationships for that due to a belief that they can get away with it for longer. Casual relationships do not mean you get to avoid calling people on their shit or being called on yours. It is not your responsibility to clean up the mess, but do not pretend it isn't there, especially if someone else encounters similar problems with the same person. We are in fact, interconnected, and when overlap is happening in our sexual relationships this becomes very clear and of more importance.
With this, please be cautious when choosing how to deal with the situation. Take care of your own safety and that of others. Sometimes just refusing to see the person any longer (preferably, but not necessarily telling them why) is enough.
Part D) If you have been as honest as you can be you don't owe anyone anything. Your body is your own and you can choose to engage to whatever degree you want to, even if you break some of the rules, so long as you were honest and forthcoming to the greatest degree then you are not responsible for the other persons heart or choices with in the dynamic. You may be responsible to talk through it with them or to give them space from you, especially if you broke the rules. But that does not mean you have to let them put hooks in you.
Note on Hooks
As far as hooks go, I have to say that I had someone accuse me of putting hooks in them when I was not and it turned out they were saying that to cover things they were doing to me. (Making claims to friends etc.)Please do not use this language as a weapon. Most people are unaware when they are putting hooks into o others it is a semi-conscious action that happens in unseen places. I advise describing how whatever action made you feel and re-iterating what kind of relationship you want to be having. If you feel threatened that hooks are happening I also advise not sleeping with that person again. Hooks have a tendency to stay unless you separate and give them time to die and if it is difficult to pull away that is evidence that they are there. In sexual dynamics weak cording is always present some connection/ attachment is always forged. These rules are mostly advice to avoid those taking noticeable energy to remove or to keep us from creating energy sucks.
this is simple, clear and yet so deeep! i hope lots of people read it or practice it empathictaneously..
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